Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge, the central steering council for the Irish Language Community, are organising a day-long conference to give voice to the wishes of the Irish Language Community before the General Election 2007. This conference will take place in the Alexander Hotel, Dublin 2, 27.02.2007, kicking off at 9.15.
Cheana féin tá sé deimhnithe ag an tAire Ó Cuív T.D. Fianna Fáil; Trevor Sargent T.D. An Comhaontas Glas; Donncha Mac Fhionnlaoich T.D. Fine Gael; Brian O'Shea, T.D. Páirtí an Lucht Oibre; Aenghus Ó Snodaigh T.D. Sinn Féin; Joe Higgins T.D. An Páirtí Sóisialach agus an Comhairleoir Cáit Keane, An Páirtí Daonlathach go mbeidh siad i láthair thar ceann a bpáirtithe.
It has already been confirmed that Minister Ó Cuív T.D. Fianna Fáil; Trevor Sargent T.D. The Green Party; Donncha Mac Fhionnlaoich T.D. Fine Gael; Brian O'Shea T.D., Labour Party; Aenghus Ó Snodaigh T.D. Sinn Féin; Joe Higgins T.D. Socialist Party, and Councillor Cáit Keane, Progressive Democrats, will be in attendance, representing their respective parties.
Clúdófar réimse leathan d'ábhair ag an gComhdháil Lae agus i measc na gcainteoirí eile a bheidh ann tá An Dr. John Walsh, Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh, Janet Muller, Príomhfheidhmeannach Pobal, Donncha Ó hÉallaithe, Airdeall agus ionadaithe ó eagraíochtaí oideachais, óige agus pobail. The one day conference will cover a wide range of topics relating to the Irish language. Dr. John Walsh, NUI Galway; Janet Muller, Chief Executive of Pobal; Donncha Ó hÉallaithe, Airdeall and representatives from educational, youth and community organisations will also address the conference.
Clár iomlán ar fáil anseo/ Complete programme available here
Ach tuigtear dúinn nach mbeidh sé ar chumas chuile dhuine gur spéis leo an Ghaeilge a bheith i láthair ar an lá agus mar sin tá mise, thar ceann na Comhdhála, ag cur tús le plé ar an ábhar seo ar an mblag seo agus ar
However we know that not everyone who is interested in the Irish Language will be able to make it on the day and so I am, on behalf of An Chomhdháil, kicking off a discussion on this subject on this blog and at
Ar an lá cuirfear ceist nó dhó ar gach ábhar ón bplé ar líne. Tá súil againn dá bharr go dtabharfaidh sé seo deis do chách a dtuairimí a nochtadh. Tá mé ag súil go mbeidh mé inann beo-bhlagáil a dhéanamh anseo ón gcomhdháil ar an lá freisin.
On the day one or two questions will be asked from the online discussion on each topic. We hope therefore that this will give everyone a chance to get their voices heard. I also hope that I will be able to liveblog here from the conference on the day too.
Agus má tá aon amhras ann faoin éifeacht a bhaineann leis an bpróiséas seo ní fiú ach an t-alt seo le Pádraig Ó Ceithearnaigh a léamh
And if there's any doubt about the efficacy of this process, look no further than Pádraig Ó Ceithearnaigh's recent article for
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